Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The One with a Bigger Penis

I spent the day in Florence, Italy today.

This is the Doumo

The Gates of Paradise

After taking a few hundred photos, my dad wanted to see this statue of a wild pig with a golden stout. If you touch its stout and put a penny in its mouth and let it drop, you’ll get rich. Well that’s the theory anyways. But my dad and I got lost and reached this river.

After 3 bad sources of directions, we finally found the pig.

Next to the statue there’s a food stall selling pig stomach sandwiches that you should try out after feeling the pig up.

But what really stands out for me is all the naked statues.

Michelangelo’s David. This is just a replica but it is where the original stood, before they moved it inside a museum to protect it from damage.

 My penis is still bigger.

So jealous much, Cynthia?


  1. Trust you to find the naked statues stand out the most.

  2. haha if they were real people... would you react the same way.
    and that pig looks so much like one near the state library.
    i love venice and the romeo and juliet, it seems so sweet (:
    i would totally write a note and stick it on that love wall at least its a bittersweet ending

  3. They are NAKED! And the statues are doing some gross things- the second one is like "give me head or I'll chop yours off"

    & if they were real, I wouldn't even look at them. I would run away crying.

    & about the love note- my arms aren't long enough to reach the wall T^T
