Friday, November 13, 2009


Well I'm typing this post in my living room instead of the norm being my bedroom. Why is that? Because of my stupid brother. Well this is the story. I went out to the living room to watch the Harry Potter movie on the Full HD TV. Then my brother comes out and goes "go back to you room, I want to watch sports". I mean WTF?! What gives him the right to order me around like that with no respect. I mean I reserve the right to boss him around, because I'm older. So I responded with "No, go outside to watch it", since there's another HD TV outside. But the dick head ignored me and started to manually change the channel on the TV itself.

What would you have done in that situation?

Well I retaliated with the remote and started to press channel 9 (the channel HP was on). This goes on for a while before I switched off the television in fear that our battle of the channels would ruin the TV. The dick head then turns to the piano and starts playing loudly at 11 at night, which is highly inappropriate. So what was I suppose to do? Succumb to his threats? No. I ignored him like you would to a naughty child. So that's what happened for a while, him playing on the piano, whilst I laid there in front of the closed Television. Unfortunately my mother comes out, awaken from her sleep by the racket, and questions my brother. In order to calm my mother down, I retrieved to my room. Not before my brother telling me to "pass him the remote"

Like hell I would, Bitch.

Honestly, how would you have handled that situation? Would you have swallowed your pride and retrieve to you room at the very beginning to avoid this mess, or would you have put up a fight too?

Well all I know for sure is that I'm related to an arse.

So jealous much, Cynthia?

P.S. I'm a proud new owner of a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ35, which I named "Tsuki". I'll shall post up photos tomorrow, after I test it out on Sydney's Night Life. =D

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