- 10. I'll show your where to meet supply and demand!
- 9. I'll exchange your rates.
- 8. I'll show you how to stimulate the economy
- 7. I'll inflate your prices.
- 6. I'll show you how to meet potential output.
- 5. No, you're the CPI
- 4. I'll show your how to tighten your monetary policy.
- 3. I'll raise your interests.
- 2. I'll show you where to stick your fiscal policy.
- 1. I'm the multiplier.
I didn't get much sleep last night either, so I crashed when I came home and even skipped dinner. But when I got up, I turned on the tv, and I watch the movie Basic on channel 7. It was actually an awesome movie starring John Travolta. Usually, I would be able to tell how the movie would go, but just when you think you got things figured out, something happens and screws you over. Just like life. But yes, movie comes with a "highly recommended with awesomeness" stick from me.
Oh, and during the add break (between all the SEXPO and premature ejaculation ads) this ad come on and it actually made me laugh out loud. Its hilarious.
After Dexter, a shame show I watched was Rock of Love. My wifey Alysse loves it, but honestly its the most trashy and seedy show on TV. Fake boobs galore.
A memorable moment on the show was when someone was asked to do a fake orgasm that would please the rock star (with all those people to practice with, from all that experience, you'd think you wouldn't need to fake it). But the highlight overall was when Bret (the "rockstar") takes a girl on a "romantic date" .... to a tattoo shop. Yes, a tattoo shop is the hottest joint in town for a romantic date, apparently. The girl had his name tattooed on her neck. I mean, are you freaking serious? I was trembling is disbelief. This show is so trashy, but its a delight to watch it with Alysse. Its actually really fun.
It doesn't come with a recommended stick from me, but you'll discover a new low every single time you watch the show. Trust me.
So jealous much, Cynthia?